Plugin Installation
- NotifyVisitors Account
- For Android : FCM integration
- For IOS: Push Notification Certificate
Cordova Integration
Kindly Follow the Android & IOS Integration first. Then you have to follow the this (Plugin Installation) Page.
Install NotifyVisitors library
npm install react-native-notifyvisitors
$ flutter pub add flutter_notifyvisitors
/* this will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml
flutter_notifyvisitors: ^1.0.0
npm install cordova-plugin-notifyvisitors
npm install capacitor-plugin-notifyvisitors
Link library to Project
/* For React-Native versions < 0.60
Skip if using React Native version of 0.60 or greater.
Autolinking is now done automatically */
react-native link react-native-notifyvisitors
flutter pub get
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-notifyvisitors --variable
// Example
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-notifyvisitors --variable
Note:- If you added the plugin correctly you will see the following in your CLI.
* cordova-plugin-notifyvisitors version:x.x.x successfully installed *
npx cap sync
Import NotifyVisitors package
Import the below code to your hybrid platform page to access the Notifyvisitors Plugin methods.
import Notifyvisitors from react-native-notifyvisitors';
import 'package:flutter_notifyvisitors/flutter_notifyvisitors.dart';
declare var NotifyVisitors: any;
import { NotifyVisitors } from 'capacitor-plugin-notifyvisitors';
Updated 6 months ago
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