Getting Started
This documentation will help you get started with NotifyVisitors iOS SDK and will cover quick integration steps to start your NotifyVisitors SDK setup in the iOS app.
Let's get started!
Step - 1 SDK Integration
To complete the integration, you need to refer to our iOS SDK documentation. Moreover, under the Integration section, you have to complete at least the first 5 steps that are mentioned below.
- Import NotifyVisitors SDK into your Project
- Configure your info.plist
- Import Header File
- Initialize the SDK
- Configure all methods till DeepLink
Add all the methods to their respective delegate methods till Deeplink method as described under “Initialize the SDK” heading in the “Integration section” of the documentation.
Step - 2 Push Notifications
- Configure APNS Key or Certificate in Notifyvisitors Panel:
You need to upload either “APNS Auth Key (recommended)” or “APNS Push Certificate” and some details from your Apple Developer Account into your NotifyVisitors account under Settings section. For assistance to generate these certificates you can refer to our detailed doc for the same under the Push Notifications Section. - Configure Push Notification in your App:
After completion of Step-1 and previous step under push notification, you need to configure push in your app which includes Registering for push notifications, Enabling the Push Notifications Capability and handling push and its click. To know more about these steps in detail you have a look at the Push Notifications Section of our documentation. - Configure Notification Service Extension:
Notification service extension can be used from iOS10 and above which provides the capability to add image, video, audio, or GIF attachments to your push notifications. You need to add the Notification Service Extension properly as per our documentation to enable delivery count and rich push capability in your application while using NotifyVisitors SDK to know more about it, have a look at our Notification Service Extension section.
Step - 3 Tracking Users
After completion of Step-1 you use our UserIdentifier method from our SDK to create a user profile to track users activity through Notifyvisitors. To know more about user tracking, you have a look at our Tracking Users section.
Step - 4 Tracking Events
After completion of Step-1 you can create your Custom Events that will track your user interactions, important to your business growth. To know more about event tracking, have a look at our Tracking Events section.
Updated 12 months ago