Campaign Screen UI Customization(s) And Other Configurations
Campaign Screen
To set the background of IR campaign screens (includes sharing, login & Inactive).
<string name="ir_screenBackgroundImg"></string>
Values can be either image_url, hex color code, rgba color or drawable image.
<string name="ir_actionbarBackground"> </string>
Hex Color Code:
<string name="ir_actionbarBackground">#a25016</string>
rgba Color:
<string name="ir_actionbarBackground">rgba(165,188,210,1)</string>
Drawable Image Name:
<string name="ir_actionbarBackground">ir_actionbar_bg</string>
To set a different font style or typeface in the campaign screens.
<string name="ir_fontStyle"></string>
To change the status bar’s colour.
<color name="ir_statusBarColor">#4cae4c</color>
To show a different toast message for the error.
<string name="ir_err_msg">Something went wrong</string>
To show a different message in the progress bar when the campaign screen loads.
<string name="ir_loading_message">Please wait. Page is loading…</string>
To change the text of the alert dialog’s close button.
<string name="ir_alert_close_text">Close</string>
To show a different message in contact sync sharing progress bar.
<string name="ir_contactSync_loading_message">Please wait…</string>
To change the text of the actionbar title on the campaign screen page.
<string name="ir_actionbarTitle">Refer and Earn</string>
To change the font style of the actionbar title.
<string name="ir_actionbarTitleStyle">bold</string>
Values can be either bold, italic, normal or bold-italic.
To change the background of the actionbar.
<string name="ir_actionbarBackground">#4cae4c</string>
Values can be either image_url, hex color code, rgba color or drawable image.
<string name="ir_actionbarBackground"> </string>
Hex Color Code:
<string name="ir_actionbarBackground">#a25016</string>
rgba Color:
<string name="ir_actionbarBackground">rgba(165,188,210,1)</string>
Drawable Image Name:
<string name="ir_actionbarBackground">ir_actionbar_bg</string>
To change the text colour of the actionbar’s title.
<string name="ir_actionbarTitleColor">#ffffff</string>
Values can be either hex color code or rgba color.
Hex Color Code:
<string name="ir_actionbarTitleColor">#ffffff</string>
rgba Color:
<string name="ir_actionbarTitleColor">rgba(255,255,255,1)</string>
To change the actionbar’s closing button.
<string name="ir_actionbarButtonTitle">cross_nv_new</string>
Values can be either Text (max length 15 characters), image_url or drawable image.
<string name="ir_actionbarButtonTitle">Close</string>
<string name="ir_actionbarButtonTitle"> </string>
Drawable Image Name:
<string name="ir_actionbarButtonTitle">closenv</string>
To change the colour of the actionbar’s close button.
<string name="ir_actionbarCloseBtnTintColor">#ffffff</string>
Values can be either hex color code or rgba color.
Hex Color Code:
<string name="ir_actionbarCloseBtnTintColor">#ffffff</string>
rgba Color:
<string name="ir_actionbarTitleColor">rgba(86,193,62,1)</string>
To change the font size of the actionbar's title.
<integer name="ir_actionbarTitleFontSize">17</integer>
To change the size of actionbar button text.
<integer name="ir_actionbarCloseBtnFontSize">17</integer>
To change the size of the actionbar button (if image used).
<integer name="ir_actionbarCloseBtnWidth">40</integer>
<integer name="ir_actionbarCloseBtnHeight">40</integer>
To set whether to use the IR actionbar or not on the IR campaign screen.
<integer name="ir_showActionbarOnScreen">1</integer>
Values can be either 0 (NO) or 1 (YES)
Login Form
To change the text of the NAME field.
<string name="ir_login_userNameHint">Enter Name</string>
To change the text of the EMAIL field.
<string name="ir_login_userEmailHint">Enter Email Address</string>
To change the text of the MOBILE field.
<string name="ir_login_userMobileHint">%d Digit Mobile Number</string>
To change the text of the REGISTER button.
<string name="ir_login_buttonText">Register</string>
To change the text of the EMAIL field error.
<string name="ir_valid_email">Enter Valid Email ID</string>
To change the text of MOBILE field error.
<string name="ir_Invalid_mobie">Enter Mobile Number</string>
To set the limit of the MOBILE field.
<integer name="ir_MobieNoDigitLimit">10</integer>
To change the colour of hints in the field.
<color name="ir_login_form_field_hint_color">#808080</color>
To change the colour of input text in the field.
<color name="ir_login_form_field_text_color">#000000</color>
To change the text colour of the register button.
<color name="ir_login_form_register_btn_text_color">#ffffff</color>
To change the background colour of the register button.
<color name="ir_login_form_register_btn_bg_color">#4cae4c</color>
Referral Link View
To change the font style of the referral link.
<string name="ir_referralLink_text_style">normal</string>
Values can be either bold, italic, normal or bold-italic.
To change the text of the referral link copy button.
<string name="ir_referralLink_copy_btn_text">Copy</string>
To change the font style of the referral link copy button.
<string name="ir_referralLink_copy_btn_text_style">bold</string>
Values can be either bold, italic, normal or bold-italic.
To change the padding of the referral link view.
<integer name="ir_referralLinkTopPadding">5</integer>
<integer name="ir_referralLinkBottomPadding">5</integer>
<integer name="ir_referralLinkLeftPadding">10</integer>
<integer name="ir_referralLinkRightPadding">10</integer>
To change the border width of the referral link view.
<integer name="ir_referralLink_border_width">1</integer>
To change the border settings of referral link view (for dotted border style).
<integer name="ir_referralLink_border_dash_gap">2</integer>
<integer name="ir_referralLink_border_dash_width">3</integer>
To change the font size of the referral link.
<integer name="ir_referralLink_text_size">14</integer>
To change the size of the referral link copy button.
<integer name="ir_referralLink_copy_btn_width">25</integer>
<integer name="ir_referralLink_copy_btn_height">25</integer>
To change the text size of the referral link button.
<integer name="ir_referralLink_copy_btn_text_size">14</integer>
To change the border colour of the referral link view.
<color name="ir_referralLink_border_color">#aaaaaa</color>
To change the colour of the referral link.
<color name="ir_referralLink_text_color">#515A5A</color>
To change the colour of the referral link divider.
<color name="ir_referralLink_divider_color">#000000</color>
To change the colour of the referral link copy button.
<color name="ir_referralLink_copy_btn_color_filter">#000000</color>
To change the text colour of the referral link copy button.
<color name="ir_referralLink_copy_btn_text_color">#707B7C</color>
Sharing View
To change the text of the sharing view label.
<string name="ir_sharing_view_label">REFER THROUGH ANY OF THESE!</string>
To change the font style of sharing view label.
<string name="ir_sharing_view_label_text_style">bold</string>
Values can be either bold, italic, normal or bold-italic.
To change the margin of sharing view label.
<integer name="ir_sharing_view_label_bottom_margin">20</integer>
<integer name="ir_sharing_view_label_top_margin">0</integer>
<integer name="ir_sharing_view_label_left_margin">0</integer>
<integer name="ir_sharing_view_label_right_margin">0</integer>
To change the font size of the sharing view label.
<integer name="ir_sharing_view_label_text_size">15</integer>
To change the size of sharing icons.
<integer name="ir_sharing_icon_width">30</integer>
<integer name="ir_sharing_icon_height">30</integer>
To change the colour of the sharing view label.
<color name="ir_sharing_view_label_text_color">#000000</color>
Lead Capture Form
To change the text of the lead capture form’s label.
<string name="ir_friend_form_label">Enter your friend\'s details</string>
To change the font style of the lead capture form’s label.
<string name="ir_friend_form_label_text_style">bold</string>
Values can be either bold, italic, normal or bold-italic.
To change the hint of lead capture form’s NAME field.
<string name="ir_friend_form_label_name_field_hint">Name</string>
To change the hint of lead capture form’s EMAIL field.
<string name="ir_friend_form_label_email_field_hint">Email</string>
To change the hint of lead capture form’s MOBILE field.
<string name="ir_friend_form_label_mobile_field_hint">Mobile</string>
To change the text of the lead capture form’s SUBMIT button.
<string name="ir_friend_form_label_submit_btn_text">Submit</string>
To change the margin of lead capture form.
<integer name="ir_friend_form_top_margin">20</integer>
<integer name="ir_friend_form_bottom_margin">0</integer>
<integer name="ir_friend_form_left_margin">30</integer>
<integer name="ir_friend_form_right_margin">30</integer>
To change the font size of the lead capture form’s label.
<integer name="ir_friend_form_label_text_size">17</integer>
To change the corner radius of lead capture form field’s border.
<integer name="ir_friend_form_label_field_border_corner_radius">7</integer>
To change the width of lead capture form field’s border.
<integer name="ir_friend_form_label_field_border_width">1</integer>
To change the margin of lead capture form label.
<integer name="ir_friend_form_label_name_field_top_margin">20</integer>
<integer name="ir_friend_form_label_email_field_top_margin">16</integer>
<integer name="ir_friend_form_label_mobile_field_top_margin">16</integer>
To change the font size of the lead capture form label.
<integer name="ir_friend_form_label_field_text_size">14</integer>
To change the padding of lead capture form label.
<integer name="ir_friend_form_label_field_padding">10</integer>
To change the corner radius of lead capture form submit button’s border.
<integer name="ir_friend_form_label_submit_btn_border_corner_radius">30</integer>
To change the width of lead capture form submit button’s border.
<integer name="ir_friend_form_label_submit_btn_border_width">1</integer>
To change the size of the lead capture form submit button.
<integer name="ir_friend_form_label_submit_btn_width">160</integer>
<integer name="ir_friend_form_label_submit_btn_height">40</integer>
To change the margin of lead capture form submit button.
<integer name="ir_friend_form_label_submit_btn_left_margin">0</integer>
<integer name="ir_friend_form_label_submit_btn_right_margin">0</integer>
<integer name="ir_friend_form_label_submit_btn_bottom_margin">0</integer>
<integer name="ir_friend_form_label_submit_btn_top_margin">18</integer>
To change the font size of the lead capture form submit button.
<integer name="ir_friend_form_label_submit_btn_text_size">14</integer>
To change the font size of the lead capture form label.
<color name="ir_friend_form_label_text_color">#000000</color>
To change the colour of lead capture form label’s border.
<color name="ir_friend_form_label_field_border_color">#000000</color>
To change the colour of lead capture form submit button’s border.
<color name="ir_friend_form_label_submit_btn_border_color">#00A300</color>
To change the text colour of the lead capture form submit button.
<color name="ir_friend_form_label_submit_btn_text_color">#ffffff</color>
To handle toast with a message from IR SDK.
<bool name="ir_show_toast_from_capture_lead_form">true</bool>
Bottom Layout
To change the top margin of the bottom layout.
<integer name="ir_bottom_layout_top_margin">18</integer>
To change the background colour of the bottom layout.
<color name="ir_bottom_layout_background_color">#F5F5F5</color>
Referral Statistics
To change the text of the stats button.
<string name="ir_stats">My Referral Statistics</string>
To change the font style of the stats button.
<string name="ir_stats_label_text_style">bold</string>
Values can be either bold, italic, normal or bold-italic.
To change the font size of the stats button.
<integer name="ir_stats_label_text_size">14</integer>
To change the text colour of the stats button.
<color name="ir_stats_label_text_color">#888888</color>
Terms & Conditions
To change the text of terms & conditions label.
<string name="ir_tnc">Terms & Conditions</string>
To change the font size of terms & conditions label.
<string name="ir_tnc_label_text_style">normal</string>
Values can be either bold, italic, normal or bold-italic.
To change the font size of terms & conditions label.
<integer name="ir_tnc_label_text_size">14</integer>
To change the colour of the terms & conditions label.
<color name="ir_tnc_label_text_color">#808080</color>
How It Works
To change the text of the how it works label.
<string name="ir_how_it_works">How It Works</string>
To change the font style of the ‘how it works’ label.
<string name="ir_hiw_label_text_style">normal</string>
Values can be either bold or italic or normal or bold-italic.
To change the font size of the ‘how it works’ label.
<integer name="ir_hiw_label_text_size">14</integer>
To change the colour of the ‘how it works’ label.
<color name="ir_hiw_label_text_color">#808080</color>
Symbol Between How It Works And Terms & Conditions
To change the text of the slash label.
<string name="ir_slash_between_tnc_n_hiw_text">|</string>
To change the font style of the slash label.
<string name="ir_slash_between_tnc_n_hiw_text_style">normal</string>
Values can be either bold, italic, normal or bold-italic.
To change the font size of the slash label.
<integer name="ir_slash_between_tnc_n_hiw_text_size">14</integer>
To change the colour of the slash label.
<color name="ir_slash_between_tnc_n_hiw_text_color">#808080</color>
Updated 9 days ago