Intialize and import NotifyVisitors SDK.
Now comes the integration step; here, we have discussed the mandatory steps you need to complete in order to integrate the Notifyvisitors SDK with your iOS application. To add the latest version to your project, follow the steps below.
Have a look at them one by one:
1. Import the NotifyVisitors SDK in your project
Download the SDK zip file by clicking on the download button provided below. Next, unzip the downloaded file to obtain an extracted folder that in turn contains a subfolder titled 'notifyvisitors.xcframework'.
Simply drag and drop this 'notifyvisitors.xcframework' folder into your project’s main target. Upon doing so, it will get embedded within the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section in Xcode under the 'General' tab of your app’s main target. If not, then you can add it by clicking on the + button available under the same section.
2. Configure your info.plist
Open info.plist of your project as source code (right click on info.plist and click on Open as >> Source code) and add the following code in it.
In below example Dummy Brand ID and Secret keys shown. Kindly login to your account to see your credentials.
<string>”yourURLscheme comes here”</string>
<integer>Your BRANDID comes here</integer>
<string>Your SECRET KEY comes here</string>
<true/> <!--OR--> <!-- <false/>-->
You can simply open the info.plist & add the keys which works the same as above for this.
2.1 Add a new row by going to the menu and clicking Editor > Add Item. Setup a URL Types item by adding a new item. Expand the URL Types key, expand Item 0, and add a new item, URL schemes. Fill in “appScheme” for Item 0 of URL schemes and your company identifier for the URL Identifier. Your file should resemble the image below when done.

2.2 Add a new row again and set up a nvBrandID as Number and fill this field with your BRANDID.

2.3 Add a new row again and set up a nvSecretKey as String and fill this field with your SECRET KEY.

2.4 Add a new row again and set up a nvPushCategory as String and set its value nvpush.

2.5 Add a new row again and set up the key nvViewAutoRedirection as Boolean. Set it YES to enable auto redirection of your app’s ViewControllers from sdk or set it NO to handle redirections by your app.

3. Import header file
import the notifyvisitors header file in each file in which the sdk function is to be accessed as given below.
#import <notifyvisitors/notifyvisitors.h>
Add a new header file and name it with the following format. YOUR_PROJECT_NAME-Bridging-Header.h Example if your project name is test. Then the header file name will be test-Bridging-Header.h. Now add the following import statement in YOUR_PROJECT_NAME-Bridging-Header.h for accessing Native SDK Classes.
#import <notifyvisitors/notifyvisitors.h>
Make sure that the path of bridge-header.h file is included in build settings under “Swift compiler-code generation” as: Objective C bridging header: YOUR_PROJECT_NAME/YOUR_PROJECT_NAME-Bridging-Header.h
4. Initialize the SDK
Initialize the SDK in the application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions function.
- Define a NSString nvMode and set its value “debug” or “live” based on the preprocessor of condition so that sdk knows the app is running in debugging mode or downloaded from AppStore (i.e. live mode) as follows.
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
var nvMode:String? = nil
nvMode = "debug"
nvMode = "live"
return true
[notifyvisitors Initialize:nvMode];
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
NSString *nvMode = nil;
nvMode = @"debug";
nvMode = @"live";
[notifyvisitors Initialize: nvMode];
return YES;
- Add the following method in applicationDidEnterBackground in your AppDelegate file.
[notifyvisitors applicationDidEnterBackground: application];
- Add the following method in applicationWillEnterForeground in your AppDelegate file.
[notifyvisitors applicationWillEnterForeground: application];
- Add the following method in application applicationDidBecomeActive in your AppDelegate file.
[notifyvisitors applicationDidBecomeActive: application];
- Add the following method in applicationWillTerminate in your AppDelegate file.
[notifyvisitors applicationWillTerminate];
- Deep Linking: Use the following method in your AppDelegate openURL method that will check the deep linking and open your app from the URL Scheme.
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
notifyvisitors.openUrl(with: app, url: url)
return true
-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey,id> *)options {
[notifyvisitors OpenUrlWithApplication: app Url: url];
return YES;
Updated 4 months ago