Google Play Store Rating
Ratings and reviews play an important role in letting people gain healthier insights about your app. The nature of reviews and ratings can result in the raise or decrease of the downloads for your app. Positive reviews will boost up the customer engagement levels with your app and will push you towards making constant efforts for app improvement in the future.
If you are thinking of developing an ios or android app, you must be aware of the relevance of the responses for your apps and how you can ask for responses to use them in the best possible ways. Read this article to know about the importance of in-app reviews & ratings and the limitation of the review prompts so that you must be acquainted with the other side of the coin as well.
Users are the ultimate critic for your app therefore you must be cautious of how to attain the reviews and where to showcase them on your apps. Keep the below points in mind :
RATINGS: Users can rate your app on a scale of 1 to 5. The individual ratings or the summary ratings given by the users are shown on the product page of any app. These ratings are specific to each and every category on the app store. You can choose to restore the summary rating while revising a new version of your app.
REVIEWS: Reviews are the detailed feedback for your apps, which users can provide on your app’s product page. They can review your ios, iPad, and macOS apps. Also, you can reset the summary ratings without disturbing the functionalities of the older reviews on your app.
You cannot just ask for the ratings and reviews out of the blue. There must be an appropriate time for providing the best possible experience for your app. Keep the below points in mind before charting out your feedback strategy :
- You can ask for the ratings and reviews only after the user has completed action or task,
specifically if it’s a time-sensitive task. - Avoid asking the users for reviews on the first launch of your app.
- Do not send repetitive ratings prompts to the users, it can negatively influence your users’
opinions. Keep a gap of two weeks or so between the rating requests.
In order to improve your app’s ratings, you must respond to the reviews of your app. A few handy pointers can help you know how to respond :
Make sure your responses can briefly address the feedback of the users.
Do not include any personal information or marketing agendas while responding to the reviews.
Use a friendly tone that aligns with the aim of your brand.
Personalize your responses despite giving generalized responses to everyone.
To learn more about how to to configure Google Playstore Rating within your app, kindly refer to this document.
Updated about 1 year ago