Customize the features of push notifications and Notification Center
Customization(s) would be done at Module-level / app → src → main → res → values folder.
Push Notifications
- To change the COLOR of a small icon, follow the below code :
<color name="push_small_icon_background">#a03844</color>
- To show custom HEADER in custom push, follow the below code:
<integer name="nvShowHeaderCustomNotif">1</integer>
//If 1 then header will be visible
//If 0 then header will be invisible
- To change monochrome ICON, follow the below code:
<string name="nv_monoImageName">sm_push_logo</string>
For Sticky Push
- To change the BACKGROUND color, follow the below code:
<color name="nvStickyBgColorNotification">#FAFAFA</color>
- To apply COLOR-FILTER on close button, follow the below code:
<color name="nvStickyCloseBtnColorFilter">#0000</color>
- To change the TEXT-COLOR of icon’s title , follow the below code:
<color name="nvStickyIconTextColor">#616161</color>
- To apply COLOR-FILTER on icons, follow the below code:
<color name="nvStickyIconsColorFiler">#0000</color>
- To apply COLOR-FILTER on logo, follow the below code:
<color name="nvStickyLogoColorFilter">#0000</color>
- To ON/OFF the visibility of icon’s title , follow the below code:
<integer name="isIconTextVisible">1</integer>
//If 1 then text will be visible
//If 0 then text will be invisible
- To change the FONT-SIZE of icon’s title
<integer name="nvStickyIconsTextSize">9</integer>
For Slider Push
To stop handling IMAGE clicks
<integer name="nv_NC_stopSliderImagesClick">0</integer>
//If 1 then clicks will be inactivate
//If 0 then clicks will be activated
Notification Center
For Actionbar
- To apply COLOR-FILTER on actionbar close button
<color name="nv_actionbarButtonColor">#000000</color>
- To change COLOR of actionbar title
<color name="nv_actionbarTitleTextColor">#000000</color>
- To change the FONT-SIZE of actionbar title
<integer name="nv_actionbarTitleFontSize">22</integer>
- To change close button SIZE of actionbar
<integer name="nv_actionbarButtonSize">18</integer>
- To change BACKGROUND of actionbar
<string name="nv_actionbarBackground">#ffffff</string>
//values can be #e0e0e0 OR "name of drawable image" OR url of image(.png, .jpg, .jpeg) OR rgba(255,0,0,0.7)
- To change IMAGE of actionbar close button
<string name="nv_actionbarCloseBtnImage">cross_nv_new</string>
- To change the TITLE of actionbar
<string name="nv_actionbarCloseBtnImage">cross_nv_new</string>
- To change TEXT-STYLE of actionbar title
<string name="nv_actionbarTitleStyle">bold</string>
- To change the COLOR of a time
<color name="nvCenterTimeColor">#94989F</color>
- To change BORDER-COLOR of cardview
<color name="nv_center_cardview_borderColor">#a1a5ab</color>
- To change COLOR of cardview content background color
<color name="nv_center_contentBgColor">#ffffff</color>
- To change COLOR of coupon code
<color name="nv_center_coupon_codeColor">#000000</color>
- To change divider COLOR between CTA buttons
<color name="nv_center_cta_BtnDividerColor">#d3d3d3</color>
- To change the TEXT-COLOR of CTA button 1
<color name="nv_center_cta_first">#848484</color>
- To change BACKGROUND-COLOR of CTA button 1
<color name="nv_center_cta_firstBgColor">#ffffff</color>
- To change TEXT-COLOR of CTA button 2
<color name="nv_center_cta_second">#848484</color>
- To change BACKGROUND-COLOR of CTA button 2
<color name="nv_center_cta_secondBgColor">#ffffff</color>
- To change BACKGROUND-COLOR of icon
<color name="nv_center_iconBgColor">#EBEBEB</color>
- To change the COLOR of a line above CTA buttons
<color name="nv_center_lineAboveCTAColor">#d3d3d3</color>
- To change the TEXT-COLOR of summary
<color name="nv_center_pushSummaryColor">#94989F</color>
- To change the TEXT-COLOR of message
<color name="nv_center_push_messageColor">#848484</color>
- To change the TEXT-COLOR of title
<color name="nv_center_push_titleColor">#000000</color>
- To change BACKGROUND-COLOR of remove icon
<color name="nv_center_removeIconBg">#00ffffff</color>
- To apply COLOR-FILTER on empty image (it will be shown when center doesn’t have any notifications)
<color name="nv_emptyImageTintColor">#9C9C9C</color>
- To change BACKGROUND-COLOR of header
<color name="nv_headerBgColor">#D7F0F5</color>
- To change BORDER-COLOR of header
<color name="nv_headerBorderColor">#86D0D7</color>
- To change TEXT-COLOR of header title
<color name="nv_headerTextColor">#696E79</color>
- To change COLOR of no_notification_message
<color name="nv_noNotificatioMsgColor">#9C9C9C</color>
- To change the COLOR of status bar
<color name="nv_statusBarColor">#000000</color>
- To change BACKGROUND color of header
<color name="nv_headerBgColor">#D7F0F5</color>
- To change the FONT-SIZE of coupon code
<integer name="nvCenterCouponCodeFontSize">14</integer>
- To change the FONT-SIZE of summary
<integer name="nvCenterSummaryFontSize">12</integer>
- To change the FONT-SIZE of time
<integer name="nvCenterTimeFontSize">10</integer>
- To change the FONT-SIZE of title
<integer name="nvCenterTitleFontSize">14</integer>
- To change the FONT-SIZE of message
<integer name="nvCenter_push_Message_fontSize">14</integer>
- To change border WIDTH of cardview
<integer name="nv_center_cardview_borderWidth">1</integer>
- To change icon SIZE of CTA buttons
<integer name="nv_center_cta_BtnIconSize">25</integer>
- To change FONT-SIZE of CTA text
<integer name="nv_center_cta_TextFontSize">13</integer>
- To set HEIGHT of remove icon
<integer name="nv_center_removeIcon_height">30</integer>
- To set WIDTH of remove icon
<integer name="nv_center_removeIcon_width">30</integer>
- To change FONT-SIZE of header title
<integer name="nv_headerTextFontSize">20</integer>
- To change the FONT-SIZE of no_notification_message
<integer name="nv_noNotificationMsgFontSize">20</integer>
- To ON/OFF header
<integer name="nv_show_NC_header">1</integer>
//If 1 then header will be visible
//If 0 then header will be invisible
- To change TEXT of coupon code label
<string name="coupon_code">Coupon Code : </string>
- To change TEXT of toast message of coupon code (shown at the time of clicking it)
<string name="coupon_code_copied">Coupon Code has been copied</string>
- To change TEXT of no_notifications label
<string name="no_notifications">No New Notifications!</string>
- To change TEXT of header
<string name="notifications_offers">Your latest updates and offers</string>
- To change BACKGROUND of notification center
<string name="nv_NC_ActivityBg">nv_default_bg</string>
//values can be #e0e0e0 OR "name of drawable image" OR url of image(.png, .jpg, .jpeg) OR rgba(255,0,0,0.7)
- To change TEXT-STYLE of title
<string name="nv_center_TitleTextStyle">bold</string>
- To change TEXT-STYLE of date
<string name="nv_center_push_DateStyle">normal</string>
- To change TEXT-STYLE of message
<string name="nv_center_push_MsgStyle">normal</string>
- To change TEXT-STYLE of summary
<string name="nv_center_push_SummaryStyle">normal</string>
- To change TEXT-STYLE of CTA buttons
<string name="nv_center_push_ctaStyle">bold</string>
- To change remove_icon IMAGE
<string name="nv_center_removeIconName"/>
- To change IMAGE of default app_icon
<string name="nv_default_appicon">nvdefaulticon</string>
- To change IMAGE of no_notification
<string name="nv_emptyImage">empty</string>
- To provide custom FONT-ASSET, follow the below code :
<string name="nv_fontAsset"/>
- To change TEXT-STYLE of header , follow the below example :
<string name="nv_headerTextStyle">normal</string>
- To change TEXT-STYLE of no_notifications, follow the below functionality :
<string name="nv_noNotificationTextStyle">normal</string>
Updated 7 months ago