Setup Guide



Follow below 3 steps to Integrate, Create and promote your customer referral program. Write to us on [email protected] for any questions.

A. Integrate

Follow the steps given below to complete the referral program setup and activation

1.) Integrate Referral App on website : To display referral Application on website. You can use our plugins for supported platforms, or javascript integration code for all other platforms

2.) Referral tracking pixel Integration : Use the image tracking pixel code on goal conversion page to track conversion. Even if the tracking pixel is passed, conversion will be tracked only when person has come through referral. Get tracking pixel code from here and follow the referral conversion tracking guide

3.) Mobile Application : Follow the steps to integrate to Android/IOS sdk in your application

  1. Android SDK
  2. IOS SDK

B. Create Campaign

Setup up the campaign using easy setup tutorial guide given below.

  1. Campaign Setup Guide

C. Promote

  1. Campaign Promotion Guide : Follow this guide to increase visibility of your referral program.
  2. Case studies : Check out the case studies for different industries.

Advance tutorials

Different types of referral widgets