Get FCM/APNS Token

This function provides FCM subscription token (in case of Android)and APNS token (in case of IOS)

 NotifyVisitors.getRegistrationToken().then((value: any) => {
      console.log(value); // Success!

Subscribe Push Category

In case you want to create a different category for sending push notifications or you want to unsubscribe users for all categories.

 const finalData = {
   categoryArray: ['g1', 'g2'],
   unsubscribeSignal: false,

Example :

 const finalData = {
   categoryArray: ['g1', 'g2'],
   unsubscribeSignal: false,

NotifyVisitors UID

NV UID stands for NotifyVisitors Unique Identifier. We create this ID at our backend side & allot one unique id to every user whether it’s known or anonymous. This ID can be seen in the NV dashboard >> Mobile Push >> Subscribers section.

If any user wants this UID in their app for any use according to their use-case then they can implement this function & it will provide you the UID as String.


Example :

 NotifyVisitors.getNvUID().then((value: any) => {
      console.log(value); // Success!

Get Landing Page Data

If you want to get some data in your application on the clicks of the push notification,
in-app banner and surveys (for page redirection and others purpose).
Call below function on your page which is loaded first when app is open.


Example :

 async addNotificationReceivedListener() {
    await NotifyVisitors.addListener('notificationReceived', (event: any) => {
      console.log('notificationReceived', event);