NotifyVisitors API endpoints enable you to send SMS campaigns to the users to make them aware of your brand so that they subscribe to your services and can turn into loyal customers. You can send the SMS campaigns to a specific user, to all the users, or to a specific segment.

Call on the below API to send SMS campaigns to the users

API Endpoints For Different Segments :

To a specific user

  • You can send SMS campaigns to the specific users on the basis of their phone numbers via the below API endpoint.

You have to send the post parameters such as SMS campaign or user ID to an API endpoint.

To all the users

  • Call the below API endpoints to send SMS campaigns to all the users

Sender name, campaign name, and segment id are the post parameters that you have to send as the post parameters to the API endpoint.

To a specific segment

  • Call the below API endpoints to send SMS campaigns to the users of a specific segment.

Campaign name, sender mobile, and sender name are the post parameters that you have to send as the post parameters to the API endpoint.

API Rate Limit

  • The API rate limit is the number of times the API can be requested per minute.
  • You can make up to 500 API requests per minute on an API.
  • If the limit exceeds, the app will throw an error in Response. All API requests are subject to rate


See the below example

curl --request POST \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'x-api-key: 078F9614571CE78626C6C68D2E89A5CA' \
  --header 'x-brand-id:8127'\
  --data '{"sender_name":"John Doe",
   “Sender_mobile”: “7786547894”,
  "service provider_id":3456,
  "campaign_name":" marketing campaign",
  "schedule time":"15:15”,
sender_namestringName of the senderYes
campaign_namestringName of the campaignYes
sender_mobilestringMobile number of the senderYes
messagestringContent of the sms campaignYes
serviceproviderIDintegerId of the service providerYes
segment_idintegerUnique id of the segment in which the user fallsYes
schedule_dateintegerScheduled date for the sms campaignYes
schedule_timeintegerSchedule time for the sms campaignYes
frequency_cappingBooleanNo. of times sms shall be send to the users per day or per weekNo
dndBooleanDo not disturb setting- when the sms campaigns shall not be send to the usersNo