iOS Push


NotifyVisitors API endpoints enable you to send push notifications to the users to nudge them to perform an action on your site. You can send the notifications to all the subscribers, or a specific user, or any segment.

You can call on the below API to send push notifications to the users.


API Endpoint For IOS

  • Send notifications on ios devices to the users via different API endpoints provided by NotifyVisitors.



You can send the push notifications on all these platforms to an individual, to a particular segment, or to all the subscribers

API Endpoints For Different Segments :

To Individual User

  • You can send notifications to the individual subscribers on the basis of their subscriber ID or User ID via the below API endpoint

You have to send the post parameters such as title, message, URL of the notification of an individual subscriber to an API endpoint. Read below for more information.

To All The Subscribers

  • Call the below API endpoint to send notifications to all the subscribers.

The title, message, URL of the notification, and image have to be sent as the post parameters to the API endpoint.

To A Particular Segment

  • Call the below API endpoint to send notifications to subscribers of a particular

Title message, URL of the notification have to be sent as the post parameters to the API endpoint.

API Rate Limit

  • The API rate limit is the number of time the API can be requested per minute.
  • You can make up to 500 API requests per minute on an API.
  • If the limit exceeds, the app will throw error in Response. All API requests are subject to rate limits.


See the below example

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
  --header 'x-brand-id: YOUR_BRAND_ID'\
  --data '{"user_id / subscription_id":"1234",
  "title":"RATING FEEDBACK",
  "message":"TEST PUSH",


Note :

  • Replace YOUR_API_KEY with NotifyVisitors' API key.
  • Replace YOUR_BRAND_ID with NotifyVisitors' Brand id .
  • You can select parameters from the given table on the right to send user attributes in request body.
user_id/subscription_idstringUnique identification ID of the user
notification_idint64Unique Id that is assigned to the users
ios_ifvstringuser's device from where the user has subscribed
tagstringTags are assigned to the users to segment them on the basis of certain factors
time-Number of seconds after which you want to send the notification.
titlestringMaximum character limit for the title must be 70 characters
messagestringMaximum character limit for the should be 130 characters
urlstringCall to action URL
image_urlstringImage URL must be on HTTPs URL
hero_image_urlstringURL needs to be on HTTPs. Works only for chrome subscribers
button_one_titlestringMaximum length of the call-to-action button, works only for chrome subscribers
button_two_titlestringAllowed only in chrome version and above
button_two_urlstringWorks only for chrome subscribers
segment_idint_64Unique segment ID
schedule_datestringDate scheduled for sending push
Schedule_timestringTime scheduled for sending push
time_zonestringTime zone (default value 0)
hero_image_urlstringURL needs to be on HTTPs. Works only for chrome subscribers